You're tired, hungry, in a linguistically dangerous location, you can't find your hotel and your brand new holiday shoes are rubbing.
None the less, you keep going with warrior like determination, with your fight or flight mechanism loving the drama your adrenalin levels are on the steadily rise.
So what should you really do in this situation?
On a recent trip back the UK I had a series of trains and buses to catch after having done an international flight.
I sailed through Heathrow and was feeling a bit hungry but was completely fixated on getting to my destination, which at the time was Manchester, no I would not let hunger or thirst come between me and my hotel room.
I could feel my energy levels begging to drop as I battled my way through London underground with luggage but finally made it to the train, Manchester was only two hours away I was doing well, no time for sustenance, I've got a train to catch.
And then 15 hours of air travel, 24 hours without sleep and the lack of a decent meal hit me, all at once, not a great feeling but it taught me such a valuable lesson.
The key to stress free travel; Just stop.

If you've left the airport in your hire car and have a suspicion that you're lost which is making you nervous, pull over in the nearest gas station and sit down and have a drink, give yourself the head space to re-group your thoughts, take a deep breath and get back in the car, you'll feel in control again.
It's amazing how, by doing this you'll feel your adrenaline levels drop making you calmer in just a few minutes, it's also a much safer state of mind as anxiety is not an emotion that serves anyone.
Make the decision to start your trip in good spirits, make self care your priority and be sure to give yourself those ten minutes down time if you feel you need them.
May your vegan journeys not only serve you but serve others, build networks and promote the availability of a lifestyle in which people, animals and the environment are not exploited.
Emma x
psst.....I've been working on something exciting for a while now, sign up to find out more, I can't wait to let you in on the secret!
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Discover how compassionate travel can promote the availability of a lifestyle in which animals, people and the environment are not exploited, one holiday at a time. for further information on vegan adventure holidays in Guatemala and Spain.
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