Hiking volcano's, kayaking, rock climbing, traveling in linguistically dangerous locations, isn't that what 'other' people do?
Well yes, but it could definitely be you too, we all have a bit of explorer in us, whether you want to explore your home town or foreign lands, here's how you can become a vegan explorer.
1. Find out what motivates you
What do you like doing? What situations / environments make you feel giddy (with excitement that is)? Make a list of things, concepts, places, people and whatever else you can think of that inspire and motivate you, this will help you focus on the next step.
2. Find an area to explore
It sounds quite simple doesn't it but there are 196 countries in the world, most of us are defined by time and money but don't let that become the enemy, work with it.
It's sometimes easy to think; I could do _______ if I had more ______.
Turn it around; I have _______ so I can do / go _________.
This will move you towards your goal a lot faster.
Start connecting the dots between step number one and two, does your immediate environment offer what you're looking for? If not then you may need to adventure into unmapped territory.
Look at a map, yes, a real old fashioned map, the internet is a fantastic resource but leafing over a real paper map will give a completely different feeling of connection to a place, it's terrain, distances and you may even notice things (like hot springs, lakes, rivers) that conventional research wouldn't promote.
Can't read maps? Not convinced? Just try it, look at the key and familiarise yourself with it. If you happen to be in or passing through London then visit this travel book shop, Stanfords, it's travel planning heaven!
3. Define your adventure
See how differently people react when you tell them you're going on an adventure as opposed to a holiday.
The definition of adventure is; an unusual or exciting experience.
The word adventure tends to evoke a different response from different people, it's very personal so define what adventure is to you.
To me, adventure is __________.
Take a moment to go back over steps one and two now you have a clear idea of what your adventure is and make sure you're still happy with your thoughts and results, if they need tweaking then tweak away (wow, autocorrect just corrected tweaking to twerking, feel free to twerk away if that's you thing), just be honest with yourself and make sure you're not creating some else's adventure, make it your own.
4. Settle on a project and prepare your body
Once you have settled on a project, get prepared.
If you have chosen an active adventure then begin to prepare your body, contrary to popular belief, you don't actually have to be super woman / man to hike a volcano, however, it will definitely help if you commit to some form of regular exercise prior to the big hike.
If that's not your adventure and you've opted for two weeks on the beach then put some thought into how you would like to prepare yourself, it's all part of the adventure.
5. Get accustomed to people calling you crazy
This step is close to my heart;
16 year old Emma: I'm going to move to New Zealand (alone with no money)
Everybody: You can't do that, you're only 16 (yes, I did it)
27 year old Emma: I'm going to ride my motorbike from Guatemala to New York City
Everybody: You'll never do it / it's not possible /you're crazy / it's impossible
28 ish: I'm going to open a vegan bed and breakfast (during Spain's biggest financial crisis to date)
Everybody: It will never work / it's too niche / you're crazy
29 ish: I'm going to start the work's first vegan travel company
Everybody: A what? / It's impossible / now we finally know you're actually crazy
This is the rule; if you decide to something thats others have not done, they will (not always, but most of the time) tell you you are crazy because they have not done it and cannot begin to comprehend that it can be done.
Just go with it, even better, invite them along.
And why should we find our inner explorer?
To allow ourselves the time to develop an understanding of individual and collective purpose and responsibility to create a better world.
What motivates you to become an adventurer? Where would you love to visit? Let me know in the comments box below.
www.veganbnbtravel.com for further information on vegan adventure holidays in Guatemala and Spain.
Discover how compassionate travel can promote the availability of a lifestyle in which animals, people and the environment are not exploited, one holiday at a time.
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