Monday, 1 June 2015


You're all set, iPad at the ready, you're off to travel the world.

From the lovely snuggly warm corner of your favourite coffee shop.

Due to the internet we can explore the world without even having to leave home so why travel at all?

First of all let me say that I am a lover of the interweb and without it would not have a business but it’s becoming increasingly hard to disconnect; my iPhone now has coverage in the jungle (I'm not quite sure if that's amazing or awful).

I remember when the only phone that worked in the jungle was an ancient flip top Nokia which and although I'm not usually a  hoarder  I’m quite attached my old nokia and still have it in case of Armageddon type emergencies.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't just a little bit nervous about the future of travel, will the day come when people just say sorry Em, we’re not booking a trip with you this year, we’ve decided to become official armchair adventurers instead?

So why travel anyway?

Essentially, to enrich your personal journey through life.

Maybe, whilst discovering about ancient civilisations in Guatemala you’ll discover something about yourself.

Maybe whilst connecting with new people and cultures you’ll become reconnected to your own values and sense of purpose.

Maybe whilst having to overcome a travel issue you’ll begin to realize that you’re capable of far more than you ever imagined.

Maybe whilst walking on foreign lands far away from home you’ll begin to feel more grounded than you have in years.

Maybe, whilst having new experiences you’ll let go of old patterns that no longer serve you and open yourself up to something new and exciting.

Ancient civilisations travelled in order to trade and discover new lands which is all about economics however, pilgrims of the past embarked on journeys of moral and spiritual significance towards a shrine or location important to their beliefs and faith, they weren't just hanging around on their sofa's on a Saturday morning with their soya milk lattes, they decided to show up in their lives and  take a leap of faith.

May your vegan journeys be enriching and insightful.

Emma x

OVER TO YOU       

If you have a question that you think would be a great Veganbnb Travel topic then email me on

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Discover how compassionate travel can promote the availability of a lifestyle in which animals, people and the environment are not exploited, one holiday at a time. for further information on vegan adventure holidays in Guatemala and Spain. 

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