Sunday, 17 May 2015


Work demands your attention, there's shopping to be done, the house needs to cleaned, you're long over due a coffee date your best friend and you're well aware the laundry won't clean itself.

So how do you give your self the time to reconnect with your passion and sense of purpose, what environment if only temporary would support that?

If you feel like you're too busy just doing then it's time to press the reset button.

A temporary change of environment, whether it's a quick weekend away or a 6 month trip around the world, here's how traveling can support you.

1. You'll regain focus

You’ll take the focus off yourself and your life by meeting new people and having new experiences.

Without even being aware of it this gentle shift of focus often gives a fresh perspective.

You'll regain your focus and reconnect with what's important to you, something that can easily be lost or set aside during our day to day lives.

2. You’ll push yourself outside your comfort zone

When was the last time you felt truly inspired? 

Travel will, sometimes by choice, sometimes by default, push you outside of your comfort zone and with this comes growth on a multitude of levels. 

Travel will teach you an important lesson; you are capable of far more than you ever imagined.

3. You’ll take back control of your time

Travel rewards you with the time and space for clarity of mind allowing you to reconnect with your values and sense of purpose. 

The next time you catch yourself saying.....I don't have time to.......just remember that you are the source of time, it's on your side not something you have to battle against.

4. You’ll nourish your mind 

Travel provides a much deserved break in daily routine enabling you to press the reset button in your mind, this welcome disruption can help you change old habits and begin to formulate new healthy patterns. 

5. You’ll have a story to tell

Why is a story so important? Stories are the building blocks for cultural identity, generations of people all over the world have sculpted their societies with storytelling and when you return home from your travels you’ll share your story with friends, family and colleagues giving them the precious gift of information in the form of a travellers tale!

Em x

OVER TO YOU       

If you have a question that you think would be a great Veganbnb Travel topic then email me on

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Discover how compassionate travel can promote the availability of a lifestyle in which animals, people and the environment are not exploited, one holiday at a time. for further information on vegan adventure holidays in Guatemala and Spain. 

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